Gay men fashion 2017

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Like I said: it made me feel numb and, frankly, it paralyzed me for a few months. It is a very strange feeling when half of the people you know are yelling for a friend’s head on a platter and the other half are suddenly praising him like a God. In the case of knowing the designer behind the “Make America Great Again” dress, it has proved to be an almost numbing experience. This wasn’t necessarily by choice, but it has worked out pretty well when it comes to understanding the current political mood. I have close friends on both sides of the political spectrum. Call it bragging, but it has its downsides. If “six degrees of separation” was a contest or game, I would be someone who accidentally won all the time. People from all walks of life, backgrounds, and everything in between make up a collage that surprises even me at times.

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I consider myself incredibly wealthy when it comes to my friends. With my wonderfully strange and varied group of friends, I was only mildly surprised to soon find out that the designer was someone I had not only profiled for magazines before, but who I also considered a friend: Andre Soriano. My phone started going off on February 17th, 2017 with friends texting me photos of singer-songwriter Joy Villa wearing a pro-Donald Trump “Make America Great Again” dress on the Grammy Awards red carpet.

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