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Selma, the elder by two minutes, longs for male companionship and has had multiple brief, doomed marriages, and has herself offered help in some fashion to help Marge and Homer as she does envy their loving relationship she receives occasional compassionate support from Homer who even poses as her husband to help her adopt a child. They have a strong dislike for their brother-in-law, Homer Simpson, who likewise loathes them.

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Patty and Selma, both gravel-voiced chain-smokers, work at the Springfield Department of Motor Vehicles. They are identical twins and are voiced by Julie Kavner who also voices their sister Marge. eɪ/) are fictional characters in the American animated sitcom The Simpsons. Patricia Maleficent and Selma Bouvier-Terwilliger-Hutz-McClure-Discotheque-Simpson-D'Amico ( / ˈ b uː v i. Selma's Exes: ( Patty's Ex-Brothers-in-law:) Sideshow Bob Grandmothers: Alvarine Gurney (maternal grandmother) and Bambi Bouvier (paternal grandmother)

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Selma's Adopted Daughter (Patty's Adopted Niece): LingĪunts: Gladys Gurney (maternal aunt) and Charlene Bouvier (paternal aunt) ' Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire' (1989)

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